This architecture principle can make the application more responsive by reducing exchanges between browser and server. When a user action generates a client call to retrieve new data, the server only returns view fragments. Thus, only a small part of the screen is refreshed, rather than the entire page. This requires the development of client-side JavaScript in order to manage partial refreshments, for example by using the jQuery library and its $.Ajax function or others tools more integrated with server platforms (such as Java Server Faces or Google Web Toolkit for Java environments).
This architecture brought more reactivity but also more complexity. It has many pitfalls:
The third diagram shows the new MV* client-side architecture, whose principle disrupts with the previous ones: now the server sends only raw unformatted data and the client is responsible for generating the screen out of it.
The term MV* refers to the MVC pattern, for Model View Controller, widely used server-side to separate data and views management. More and more we use this term MV*, in order to highlight the little differences from pure MVC implementations. But this is an expert discussion…
The important point in this new architecture is the shift of all the UI logic from the server to the client.
This separation of concerns between server and client is not a new phenomenon. It has been taken back by native mobile applications, consuming APIs independent from the client. The new Web application architectures bring this possibility to Web applications.
Basically, the JavaScript language is there since the Web exists. The principle does not seem so revolutionary, since it is very similar to the classic client-server applications that existed already before the Web. So why did not we think of this new architectures earlier?
The answer is simple: it was not possible; except if you are Google!
Indeed, two factors were limiting the possibility to develop with JavaScript:
The first point was obvious until Microsoft launches Internet Explorer 9 and 10. Slowness and bugs in previous versions prevented the deployment of applications massively using JavaScript.
Unless having the strike force of a Google engineering team, developing a Gmail in Internet Explorer 6 was simply not realistic.
Since Firefox and Chrome have become popular in the browser market, Microsoft has caught up, as shown in this chart:
The results of SunSpider JavaScript performance tests in different browsers, illustrate the breakdown which happened around 2010, with the huge improvements in Internet Explorer: between IE6 and IE8, performance tests results have improved by factor 25, from 177000 ms to 7000 ms.
Since then, performances keep improving significantly. Together with the new capacities of both desktop and mobile devices, the browser can now do more than just displaying Web pages: it can dynamically generate pages, make 2D/3D drawings, execute complex algorithms, etc.
But having a powerful execution platform is useless if we can not develop effectively.
The second technological revolution of Web development simply resides in JavaScript development tooling.
If you are following this blog, you may have already heard about AngularJS or Grunt. These are examples illustrating the new JavaScript development ecosystem, which can be summarized in two main categories:
The industrialization is also driven by the fact that JavaScript is spreading over other areas than just Web applications, especially server-side with node.js. This is even more surprising to learn that node.js itself is used as the technical platform for Grunt and its numerous plug-ins.
As a conclusion, all the required tools exist today for developing effectively and industrializing JavaScript.
In this article, we have presented what we mean by "MV* client-side architectures" and why they are now emerging.
In the following part, we will study why you should now use these architectures, what are the pitfalls to avoid and what are the impacts for enterprises.