OKR (« Objectives / Key Results ») because it doesn’t work. We keep the principle that is behind: people have to define their own target, we don’t do it for them. But we are going to change the way we do that. We share our experiments online so that people can see what we try and they seem to appreciate it.
OCTO: How have your convictions evolved these last few years, what lessons have you learned?
Jurgen Appelo: The things I learned are mainly about new individual practices, but it all fits within the philosophy « Manage the system, not the people ». For example in the past I was part of an Innovation Committee with an Idea box initiative. It failed because the first few ideas posted were evaluated by the committee and rejected. After that, nobody proposed any other idea. I would call that a Management 2.0 practice: well intended but it failed. Now I would say: let other employees rate the ideas! Practices keep emerging, come and go but the principles stay.
OCTO: Do you regularly check the system?
Jurgen Appelo: Yes, we hold a regular retrospective meeting, a sanity check with the whole team every couple of months about what works and what doesn’t. We experiment different ways to run it. But to be honest, we have created a culture where most problems are addressed when they appear. We don’t need to wait for the retrospective to talk about it. But we still think it is a good thing to take this moment.
OCTO: Where to start?
Jurgen Appelo: Start anywhere! Anywhere that makes sense for you. Some areas are easier than others: it’s much easier to discuss « Personal maps » than to start changing the salary and compensation system. It is better to work first on an new organizational culture before changing how people are being paid. As in yoga, some postures are for advanced practitionners. But there is no order between easy practices. Just try something that looks really easy and harmless to you : "Kudo box" or "Personal Maps" are very easy and everyone like them.
Want to know more? Check out Jurgen Appelo's talk "Manage yourself!" at USI!