This year, all the sessions of the main conference room (and thus all the keynotes) will be broadcasted in live on the website now !
You’ll have the choice to watch the sessions translated or not.
Please find below all the USI sessions that you can watch in live or not today and tomorrow:
June 28th:
- Simon Sinek’s Keynote
- The birth of a word, Deb Roy
- Military operations of the 21st century. Battle field digitisation, Henri Bentegeat
- Is our history written in advance? Feedback on the impact of demography on our society? Pierre Sabatier
- Ray Kurzweil’s Keynote
- Alexandre Dayon’s Keynote
- The end of relational data bases? Olivier Mallassi
- Juridic aspects of the Cloud Computing : learning to browse in safety, Benjamin May
- What kind of mobile strategy for companies? Jean-François Grang et Olivier Martin
- LinkedIn, Yassine Hinnach
- Wolfgang Von Rüden’s Keynote
June 29th:
- Michel Serres’s Keynote
- Beyond the "generation Y", cutural diversity and its opportunities for companies, Benjamin Chaminade
- Is the scientific labour organization of the industrial era, applicable to the digital era? Vincent Lextrait
- André Compte-Sponville’s Keynote
- Stephen David’s Keynote
- Brain-computer interfaces, Dr Geoffrey Mackellar
- Connecting all the objects? Why? rafi Haladjan
- Pattie Maes’s Keynote