recurrent neural network (RNN), etc. Many of these networks are flexible enough to be used with different types of data (text, image, etc.). However, each of them has some characteristics that helps it get the best accuracy when used with the appropriate type of data in the appropriate context.
In our case, we chose to use a CNN model because it is highly suited for image classification tasks. In fact, this type of network uses some interesting operations like Convolutions to detect low (edges, textures, etc) and high level (objects, etc) patterns in images.
To evaluate our model, we used the accuracy metric along with the confusion matrix (this metric gave us a more detailed information about the model classification performance on each class).
We started by training a simple CNN architecture (MobileNet v1_1.0_224) but we quickly realized that we were limited by the size of our training data. After all, 3000 samples were not enough for the model to learn to correctly classify our dataset. In fact, our model had more than 4 million parameters that needed to be optimized. Yet, since they were randomly initialized, it requires a huge amount of images (tens of thousands) to find the proper weights that learn useful and sufficiently abstract features.
To increase the size of our dataset, one of the possible techniques is to use data augmentation (cropping, zooming or flipping images). However, because our documents are mainly presentation slides, they always have the same form. So this technique will not generate new valid samples and will only make it difficult for the model to learn.
At this stage, since we can not increase the size of our dataset, we choose to simplify the training of our model by transferring knowledge from another model (base model) that has already been trained on a related domain: image classification. This technique is called Transfer Learning.
«Transfer learning is the improvement of learning in a new task through the transfer of knowledge from a related task that has already been learned.» - Transfer Learning, Lisa Torrey and Jude Shavlik, 2009
With this technique our model can benefit from the knowledge of the base model by starting training from its already learned features and using our dataset to fine-tune them for our new classification goal.
«In transfer learning, we first train a base network on a base dataset and task, and then we repurpose the learned features, or transfer them, to a second target network to be trained on a target dataset and task. This process will tend to work if the features are general, meaning suitable to both base and target tasks, instead of specific to the base task.» - How transferable are features in deep neural networks?, Jason Yosinski et al, 2014
We choose to transfer knowledge from a pre-trained MobileNet network: a CNN model trained on ImageNet dataset (1,2 million images). We added to this base model a simple model (top model) consisting of 2 dense layers.
After training our top model, we reached an accuracy of 98%. In fact, our model correctly classifies all the Project reference card, Mini biography and Architecture diagram documents but still makes some errors when it comes to Customer reference card, Chapter and Other documents. For example, it confuses some of the Customer reference card slides with Mini biography, Project reference card and Other slides.
We were curious about the impact of Transfer Learning on our model accuracy. So we investigated its effect on the high level features of the base and top model.
We started by computing the representation of our dataset images using MobileNet and our top model respectively. Then we created a 2D representation of their bottleneck features (the last activation maps before the fully-connected layers) by reducing their dimension from 1024 to 2 using T-SNE algorithm. Finally, we plotted the slides in the 2D space.
Simply put, the top model specializes in our dataset by separating documents that are visually similar if they do not belong to the same class and gathers documents that belong to the same class even if they are visually different. For example, before fine-tuning Chapter and Content classes were grouped together (Content belongs to the class Other) and after fine-tuning they were seperated.
Even with a limited amount of images, we managed to make a model classifying nearly all documents correctly (98 % accuracy on the testing set). Nevertheless, our model still have some limits.
When a document belonging to class A includes some illustrations that contain visual features of class B, the model will struggle to identify its class. Indeed, if we had enough samples in the training dataset illustrating this situation, the model would not fall into this trap.
Our model relies only on visual features of documents to classify them. Therefore, if we have some classes with the same visual features, our model can not determine the visual discriminators that separates them for the simple reason that they do not exist.
When a class does not have any specific visual characteristics or have fewer of them, our model can not learn to classify it. For example, if we train it to classify semantic classes (Blockchain, IoT, etc), it will not succeed because this type of classes relies mostly on textual features and not visual ones.
When some of the visual features of a class are not present / covered in the training set.
In this example, the 2 slides belong to the Mini biography class. The model correctly classifies the 1st but not the 2nd because it belongs to the new template which is not sufficiently covered in the training set.
We believe that these limits can be overcome when we expand the model feature resources by taking advantage of the textual data of documents along with their visual properties.
In fact, each class has textual features in the form of keywords. For example, the class Customer reference card always includes the keywords: context, demand, request, approach, etc..
Moreover, our improved solution can be composed of 3 models:
As a result, for each class, the meta-model will learn to privilege the appropriate features whether they are visual, textual or the combination of both of them. For instance, if we have a class « Blockchain », the proposed model may give 80% importance to the textual properties and only 20% for visual features.
We managed to create a deep learning model that classifies industrial documents (slides) perfectly for classes with a strong visual identity. However, for this handcrafted successful proof of concept to not just be confined to a research lab, it should be deployed into production. Nevertheless, this step needs some reflection because the industrialization of such AI powered systems comes with a number of hurdles if we don’t follow the good practices of implementation and integration.
If you want to learn more about the industrialization of Artificial Intelligence products, check out this presentation of our Big Data Analytics team where they share their knowledge about the organisational, methodological and technical patterns to adopt for the creation of practical and sustainable AI products.
Transfer Learning: