article, dealing with managing servers with shell scripts (what we were doing), and this (also french) one, which dealt with tools for automated deployment (what we planed to do), including Puppet, here is the article about Puppet. By doing. With blood, tears, and victories ;)
Because yes, going from servers managed by shell scripts to Puppet, when you don't know Puppet, it's not so easy.
On the project we have five environments of three computers each: one web server (Apache), one app server (Tomcat), one database server (PostgreSQL). Plus one ftp server, plus two monitoring servers (Zabbix)(which host a web server and a database server) and deployment server (OCS). Plus a demo server. Plus two servers for an other project (which host the same components).
To summarize, we have 17 servers almost identical, plus 4 atypical ones.
We use shell scripts (bash) to install those servers :
And we use one other shell script to check whether everything goes well, and a little bit of glue (Makefile, home made Perl modules, lib directory for shared shell functions, meta-configuration files, ...)
To be humble, we kind of master shell. It's a pleasure to solve problems by some well crafted shell lines. For powerful they are, those install scripts hit limits. They :
We have two choices:
We choose Puppet for those reasons:
So we will puppetize our scripts.
Puppetizing our scripts means that we will destroy almost everything we have been working on for more than a year, and start building again.
It's an effort. Agile teaches us not to be attached to the code (if you are, refactoring will be a pain for you), but it pinches the heart.
Mourning done, it's time to learn Puppet. At this very moment, troubles begin...
The idea behind Puppet is 'convention over configuration'. It means that you specify less but you have to learn more things (the "conventions"). And there is a lot of things to learn...
Puppet works with contracts: you specify them, in its Ruby-like language, what you want, and it handles.
I insist: you specify, it makes. It means that you do not do. Which means that if you were used to code (to act to obtain something), it's not the case anymore : you specify a target, it reaches it. You don't really know how, by the way...
This way of doing leads to a different way of thinking, and it's disturbing. It's not easy to get into it when you didn't see / learn it before, which was indeed my case: I didn't find this paradigm in any other language I learned (by myself).
We started with simple things, things that Puppet is good at: creating users, playing with system files, installing packages. The web is full of documentation about how to do such things.
About the documentation... I rarely saw such a badly organized documentation. I always have to watch at least three web pages before finding what I'm looking for: is it a metaparameter? a function? a type? a fact? something else?
With time, the you'll get into the syntax of Puppet. But more because you remember it than because it's logical: a bit like memorizing a text without any sense (and for everything else there is this very well done document)
Once simple things are puppetized, we tried less simples tasks: downloading a package from Nexus, running it if it's a binary, installing it if it's an rpm, creating a database if it's doesn't exists, creating corresponding roles, updating pg_hba.conf and .pgpass. It's seems obvious that Puppet doesn't follow the Perl motto (turn complicated things into simple ones, keep simple what is it) and making Puppet do what it's not good at is a pain: we had to fight with it to make it do what we want. And to my opinion it's a failure when I have to write shell into a program to make it do what I want...
Add to this the obscures (obfuscated ?) error messages that almost never show you the root cause of the problem, and you easily understand that I was angry with Puppet.
To summarize, here is what I blame Puppet for :
I never learned Ruby or programming by contract, the fee to Puppetland is expensive.
Migrating from our shell scripts to Puppet has been done gradually: we have built one module per functional component to replace: Tomcat, Postgresql, Apache, ...
We made much more functional component than we expected at first: pki, sudo, user (to create users but also to install scripts in their ~/bin), <component>db (for the database of those components), ntp, logrotate...
The documentation of Puppet tells us that the 'node' directive has to be used, but we used 'class' to pass parameters (such as password) from classes to classes. Thus, we are able to change the password of all classes in one move.
So, we have grouped those components in classes, and stacked these classes.
To Puppetize a server, we just had to assign the classes to this server, et voilà.
class basenode ($user_hash=undef, monitored=true) {
class { 'basesystem': }
class { 'puppet': }
class { 'nexus': }
class { 'hosts': }
class { 'user': hash => $user_hash }
class { 'env': }
class { 'ntp': }
class { 'ssh_keys': }
class { 'sudo': }
class { 'baseapp': }
if $monitored { class { 'monitorednode': } }
class dbnode ($min_sec=undef, $i_pass=undef, $mo_pass=undef, $g_pass=undef, $pgversion='x.y.z-1', $backup_retention_days=undef, $monitored=true ) {
class { 'basenode': monitored => $monitored}
class { 'pgsql': log_min_duration_statement => $min_sec, pgversion => $pgversion, backup_retention_days => $backup_retention_days }
if $monitored { class { 'pgsql::zabbix': } }
class { 'pgsql::tools': }
class { 'db': i_pass => $i_pass, mo_pass => $mo_pass, g_pass => $gestion_pass}
if $monitored { class { 'db::zabbix': } }
class { 'pshops': }
node 'db1' {
class { 'dbnode': min_sec => '1000', i_pass=>'hop', mo_pass=>'zou', g_pass=>'bla'}
In this example, db1 is a dbnode, which itself contains basenode. And some parameters are passed to specify passwords.
Whilst we built our classes and put our servers into them, we progressively deleted our installation scripts.
We dared wrapping some Puppet's directives to suit our needs :
define user::userfile (
$basedir = "/home/${user::username}",
$source = '',
$content = '',
$mode = '0644',
$owner = $user::username,
$group = $user::username,
$replace = ''
file { "${basedir}/${title}":
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $mode,
if $source { File["${basedir}/${title}"] { source => $source } }
if $content { File["${basedir}/${title}"] { content => $content } }
if $replace { File["${basedir}/${title}"] { replace => $replace } }
This function puts a script in the ~/bin of the user, with correct rights. It's avoid us to repeat ourselves (DRY :) )
Some of our binaries installers are in Nexus. And guess what? Puppet didn't know how to handle such a thing. We had to teach it :
nexus/init.pp :
class nexus {
$repo = 'thirdparty'
$target_dir = ''
$user = 'user'
$pass = 'pass'
$server = 'some.server.tld'
$port = '7853'
$url = "http://${user}:${nexus::pass}@${server}:${port}/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/content"
nexus/get.pp :
define nexus::get (
$classifier = '',
$mode = '0644'
include nexus
$full_url = "${nexus::url}?r=${nexus::repo}&g=${groupeid}&a=${artifactid}&e=${type}&v=${version}&c=$classifier"
exec { "download_via_nexus ${title}":
command => "mkdir -p \$(dirname \"$title\") ; /usr/bin/wget -q \"$full_url\" -O \"${$title}\" ; /bin/chmod ${mode} \"${$title}\"",
path => [ '/usr/bin','/bin'],
timeout => 0, unless => "test -e \"${title}\" && test `/usr/bin/wget -q \"${full_md5_url}\" -O -` = `md5sum \"${title}\" | /bin/cut -d' ' -f1`",
nexus/exec.pp :
define nexus::exec (
$classifier = '',
$type = '',
$command = 'echo "I should do something with \"<%= title %>\""',
$purge_after = false,
$mode = '0644',
$creates = '', $unless = '', $onlyif = '',
$path = ['/bin', '/usr/bin']
nexus::get {$title:
groupeid => $groupeid,
artifactid => $artifactid,
version => $version,
type => $type,
mode => $mode,
classifier => $classifier
$real_command = inline_template($command)
exec { "exec_from_nexus ${title}":
command => $real_command,
path => $path,
logoutput => true,
timeout => 0,
require => Nexus::Get["$title"]
if $unless { Exec["exec_from_nexus ${title}"] { unless => $unless } }
if $onlyif { Exec["exec_from_nexus ${title}"] { onlyif => $onlyif } }
if $creates { Exec["exec_from_nexus ${title}"] { creates => $creates } }
nexus/extract.pp :
define nexus::extract (
$repo = thirdparty,
$type = '',
$classifier = '',
$target_dir = '',
$owner = $user::username,
$group = $user::username,
$extract_cmd = "tar --owner ${owner} --group ${group} -C '${target_dir}' -xz",
$nexus_url = 'http://user:pass@some.serveur.tld:7853/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/content'
$full_url = "$nexus_url?r=$repo&g=$groupeid&a=$artifactid&e=$type&v=$version&c=$classifier"
exec { "extract_from_nexus ${title}":
command => "/usr/bin/wget -q '$full_url' -O- | ${extract_cmd}",
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
unless => "test -d '${creates}'",
timeout => 0,
require => File[$target_dir]
exec { "ensure correct u:g to ${creates}":
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
command => "chown -R ${owner}:${group} '${creates}'",
unless => "test `stat -c '%U:%G' '${creates}'` = '${owner}:${group}'",
require => Exec["extract_from_nexus ${title}"],
Look at the shells commands we had to use here and there to make Puppet act the way we want: do not download things twice, put things in the right directory, put the correct rights, ...
The most tricky part was to make Puppet install Postgresql. We install Postgresql from binaries (that were downloaded from Internet and put in Nexus), and we wanted Puppet to handle not only installation but also update from minor to minor (x.y.z -> x.y.z1) and from minor to major (x.y.z -> x1.y1.z1), thus with dump and restore. As Puppet is not shipped with this functionality, we had to take a weapon of mass destruction : shell.
nexus::exec { "/var/cache/puppet/pgsql-${pgsql::params::version}":
groupeid => 'org', artifactid => 'postgresql',
version => "${pgsql::params::version}",
classifier => "linux-x64",
type => 'bin',
mode => '0755',
purge_after => false,
path => [ '/bin','/sbin','/usr/bin','/usr/sbin' ],
command => $minipgsqlversion ? { # Depending on the installed version ...
# Same major as it's asked to me (x.y.z vs x.y.z1) : update without dump
$pgsql::params::miniPgVersion => "bash -c 'if test $pgsqlversion != ${pgsql::params::dirPgVersion} ; then echo -e \"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nn\\n\" | <%= title %> --prefix ${pgsql::params::prefix} --datadir ${pgsql::params::datadir} --locale ${pgsql::params::loc} --mode text --servicename ${pgsql::params::service} --superpassword ${pgsql::params::pass} ; else /bin/true ; fi'",
# Nothing found : installation
'notfound' => "echo -e \"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nn\\n\" | <%= title %> --prefix ${pgsql::params::prefix} --datadir ${pgsql::params::datadir} --locale ${pgsql::params::loc} --mode text --servicename ${pgsql::params::service} --superpassword ${pgsql::params::pass}",
# Default case (x.y.z vs x1.y1.z1) update with dump
default => "bash -c 'name=/opt/pgsql-$pgsqlversion-to-${pgsql::params::dirPgVersion}-\$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').sql.gz ; /usr/local/postgresql-$minipgsqlversion/bin/pg_dumpall -U postgres | gzip > \$name ; service postgresql-$minipgsqlversion stop ; echo -e \"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nn\\n\" | <%= title %> --prefix ${pgsql::params::prefix} --datadir ${pgsql::params::datadir} --locale ${pgsql::params::loc} --mode text --servicename ${pgsql::params::service} --superpassword ${pgsql::params::pass} ; service ${pgsql::params::service} start || /bin/true ; gunzip -c \$name | ${pgsql::params::prefix}/bin/psql -U postgres '",
Again, look at the deployed arsenal.
Here is the facter that provides the Postgresql version :
Facter.add("pgsqlversion") do setcode do psql=Dir.glob("/usr/local/*/bin/psql").sort[-1] if psql %x(#{psql} --version).split("\n")[0].split()[-1] else 'notfound' end end end Facter.add("minipgsqlversion") do setcode do psql=Dir.glob("/usr/local/*/bin/psql").sort[-1] if psql %x(#{psql} --version).split("\n")[0].split()[-1].gsub(/\.\d*$/,'') else 'notfound' end end end
Once built the Puppet's configuration, we could sleep more peacefully at night.
We didn't use Puppet from the beginning of the project because we wanted to be fast, and we didn't know Puppet. Moreover, the team was young and Puppet was not the key tools to beginning with (to be honest: it was shell)
Thus, beginning by shell scripts was a good idea, but it hits limits I talked about hereabove.
The puppetization of platforms was not painful only for me, but to the others teams too, in the good way : the psychorigidy of Puppet has shown us that some things weren't clear on our servers (the uid of our main unix user was not the same everywhere, for example). It forced us to make things clearer and more explicit.
Where we hesitated to run our installation scripts, we now ask Puppet to do it: happiness of programmation by contract is there: when something is done, it's not to be done anymore, and you don't care how it was done (except in some rare cases).
When one thing is puppetized (the installation of Tomcat, for example) we have no more doubts: it's installed in the same way everywhere, and it works.
Installing a new server takes 10 minutes: 30 seconds to install the core stuff (which basically renames the server and installs Puppet) and 9min and half to drink tea waiting for it's over. Followed by the sweet feeling that things went well.
Truly, we simplify our install and update process: everything is in one place (on the Puppet master), and one command line to type.
Installing servers with Puppet is a real plus compared to shell (yeah captain Obvious!). But Puppet is quite hard to learn. Our choice at the beginning of the project was to not start with it, for these reasons :
Nowadays we think we have made the good choice : learning Puppet was not the first thing to do. But the second, just after learning shell :), since we achieved all of goals with Puppet.
Some useful links :