Eric Favre

Posté le 20/02/2019 par Eric Favre

L’intérêt de l’IoT n’est plus à prouver, et on rencontre de plus en plus de cas d’usage pertinents des objets connectés. Mais en prenant part à un projet IoT de bout en bout, on prend conscience que beaucoup de problématiques facilement traitées dans des contextes classiques doivent être repensées quand on les applique aux objets connectés.Dans ce ...

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Posté le 16/04/2018 par Yassine Tijani, Eric Favre

Kubernetes has quickly become the de facto standard for container orchestration. If the basics are now well understood, the new “upstream” features are much less, even though they make the product richer and able to address some very specific use cases. This article is a review of these new features, as well as the upcoming ones that come with the ...

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Posté le 05/02/2018 par Etienne Coutaud, Eric Favre

_“Kubernetes is the Linux of the cloud”_This quote by Kelsey Hightower during the Kubecon 2017 in Austin emphasize the rise of Kubernetes among modern cloud infrastructures.This rise is partly driven by the developers community, but also by the web giants such as Google, Amazon, Alibaba or Red Hat who have invested a lot on this technology, and kee...

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Posté le 07/01/2018 par Eric Favre

Hi all,Happy new year! 2017 is now over, and it’s time for us to contemplate everything that happened in Octo Technology Australia and appraise our success and failures.Hidden Tech ChallengeLate 2017, we launched a geolocated quiz game in Sydney, and it was a lot of fun. Not only did we build the product from the idea to the delivery, but we also h...

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Posté le 14/06/2017 par Pierre Trollé, Eric Favre

Introduction:We've all heard of Vue.js, the last trendy JavaScript framework. Some have already played with it. But beyond the POC, it's time to gear up for real life Vue.js projects. And what's better than some TDD with Vue.js to achieve that? The point of this article is to share the basics to develop with Vue.js using TDD. To do so, we will use ...

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Posté le 26/10/2016 par Loup Theron, Eric Favre

The blockchain is a trendy subject, and we believe one needs to apply its principle to an actual project to understand its technology and progress status. We chose to implement an online money pot in Ethereum, a kind of blockchain that focuses on smart-contracts instead of money transfer. This article demonstrates how we can leverage Ethereum to de...

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Posté le 27/10/2015 par Dorian Lamandé, Eric Favre, Thibaut Cantet

In this article, we'll talk about Xamarin, a C# .NET tool enabling development of cross-platform mobile applications. We'll focus on the missing part: the reuse of native libraries.What is Xamarin?Xamarin is not only a product but also a company. The product addresses a common issue, the unified cross-platform development.Xamarin allows to create n...

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Posté le 19/05/2015 par Romain Felden, Eric Favre, Farhdine Boutzakhti

The first steps towards industrialized developments usually start with continuous integration.Although it is often seen as an achievement in itself, it's actually only a piece of an efficient and managed solution.Translated from the article published in the July-August 2014 ICT Journal (french).Continuous integration, an unquestionable basisKeyston...

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Posté le 31/03/2015 par Maxence Walbrou, Eric Favre

The team organization is the core issue when scaling out agile methods to the company scale. Here, many may mention "feature teams" but often forget the true meaning of these two words!You are willing to change your teams organization and understand the differences between a cross-functional team and a feature team? This article proposes a few appr...

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Posté le 12/02/2015 par Michel Domenjoud, Eric Favre

The Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship is subheaded Raising the bar.Indeed, we believe that this is the main issue at stake behind this movement's motivations. To create products that rock, you need to rely on people who know how to do it, enjoy it, and always strive to do it better.It's not just about introducing a few practices. It's a genuine ...

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