a four parts post by Tim Roe. Although pretty descriptive, some information is missing, the committed code not fully working straightforwards (Kibana version?).
For the impatient, head to Github, follow the instructions and run it on your laptop.
To fulfill our quest, we need at least:
For the sake of isolating an integration environment, we propose in figure 2 a Docker container set with Jenkins, Elasticsearch and the integration Kibana, while the development Kibana instance runs locally. This is of course only an example setup, but we believe it is sufficient to back our point.
We will now walk through this architecture, see how to deploy it and how the initial data (a list of tweets) and configuration (Kibana and Jenkins) can be seeded.
Versions notes. As of writing, we used:
In this part, we will review how to launch a set of containers with the aforementioned services. If this part is rather classic, we will also see how we have populated each service with initial data, to offer the experience of an infrastructure ready to go_._
Docker is a powerful container platform to encapsulate lightweight containers. Perfectly suited for development, one can easily build upon pre-existing images (e.g. a Kibana v4.5.1), then custom them via DockerFile
(e.g. tuning configuration). docker-compose brings the system even further, as it allows to generate a full set of containers linked by a private network, while some ports and volume are exposed to the outside world. In the age of micro services, we believe that lightweight container systems have deeply altered the developper's life. The project presented here is a typical example of such an architecture.
First, install Docker locally, see Docker documentation for instructions.
To setup the continuous deployment environment for plugins development, clone the current repository:
git clone https://github.com/alexmasselot/kibana-plugin-howto-infra.git cd kibana-plugin-howto-infra
The configuration for Elasticsearch, Kibana, Jenkins and their relative dependencies are specified in docker-compose.yml
Now the Docker container can be started:
export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME=kibanahowto docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 4096 --virtualbox-cpu-count 2 --virtualbox-host-dns-resolver $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME eval $(docker-machine env $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME) docker-compose build echo "now start the machine and, when it's ready, open http://$(docker-machine ip $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME):5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/kibana-howto-plugin?_g=(time:(from:'2016-06-17T10:30:12.574Z',mode:quick,to:'2016-06-17T10:36:14.545Z'))" docker-compose up
You have deployed an Elasticsearch server, a Kibana and a Jenkins servers for continuous deployment. Demo data is populated in Elasticsearch and a visualization is available in Kibana through default dashboard.
To access the servers in the container, you can find the IP address of the docker-machine with the following command:
docker-machine ip $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME
The different services are accessible here:
for Elasticsearch serverhttp://my_docker_ip:5601
for a Kibana, or for a direct dashboard access: http://my_docker_ip:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/kibana-howto-plugin?_g=(time:(from:'2016-06-17T10:30:12.574Z',mode:quick,to:'2016-06-17T10:36:14.545Z'))
for Jenkins continuous integration & deploymentAllow a couple minutes for the data to warm up. Congratulations, you have setup the environment for continuous deployment of Kibana plugins!
One of our goal is to boot containers with preloaded data and configurations:
We believe that only seamless integrations process have a chance of being adopted by fellow developers. Remember Larry Wall (Programming Perl, 2nd edition, 1996): "laziness, together with impatience and hubris, is one of the three virtues of a good developer.
As mentioned earlier, the overall infrastructure is described in the docker-compose.yml
file, while individual containers are instantiated via docker-containers/*/DockerFile
. More information can be found on the Docker compose page.
The only original part here is how we actually capture and populate initial data
As mentioned before, we want to populated 10'000 geolocalized tweets, to demo our plugins.
A set is already available in the containers/elasticsearch-initial-data/data/tweets.jsonl
file. To create such a set, a tweet-download.js
NodeJS script is provided. In this script, the Twitter client registers to a stream, filters messages with a location field, adds a timestamp
field and appends each of them as a JSON object in the tweets.jsonl
Edit and source a secret-env.sh
file with your API keys. Refer to the Twitter API to discover more.
The containers/elasticsearch-initial-data/entrypoint.js
contains call to the Elasticsearch API.
The only pitfall to avoid was to wait for the ES server to be up, and only populate the tweets, at start time, only if they are not already in. As the ES container can be started several times, we obviously want to push the data only once. This check is achieved via a couple of search
call to the API.
The first step is to install an initial version of each of the three plugins at building time. As those are not yet available through our continuous integration component, we cheat and install them directly from Github via the containers/kibana/entrypoint.sh
The second step is to set tweets
as default the index, create the demo searches, visualisations and dashboard.This is done populating Elasticsearch indexes from a priori saved data, and is actually achieved by the ES data instantiation step.
The last step is to import mappings, searches, visualization and dashboards, in order to have Kibana already setup when opening it the first time. As for the tweet data, those features are conveniently stored in a .kibana
index in Elasticsearch. But here is a chicken and egg problem: we needed to create a dashboard, in order to save it, in order to download it. Initial configurations had to be built at once by hand. A script to save them is available: containers/elasticsearch-initial-data/dump/kibana-download.js
Being file based, Jenkins configuration consists in deploying a snapshot. However, we face again another chicken and egg problem...
We solved this configuration issue by mounting the /var/jenkins_home
directory in Docker (docker-containers/jenkins/data/jenkins_home
Then, the Jenkins itself was configured, jobs added, plugins installed through the classic web interface as the change are persisted in /var/jenkins_home
, thus in the git repository.
The key point is to avoid polluting the Github repository with thousands of generated files (job runs, log, etc.) They were generously excluded via the .gitignore
For both the dashboard and Jenkins, we follow the same pattern:
This approach can be challenged. Why not using ex nihilo setup creation? One could read the Kibana or Jenkins configuration documentation and build up the desired instance. This approach is encouraged, specially for Jenkins, where a documented API exists.
Opting for a programmatic creation will ease collaboration of multiple developers. Moreover, merging generated and cryptic JSON configuration files can prove to be a challenge in itself...
However, the chicken and egg pattern offered us a gain in time and flexibility.
At last, we talk about plugins! Sorry for the impatient, but we had to set the infrastructure up first. Get the toolbox ready and start building seemed pertinent.
We built three plugins above our tweet data, strongly inspired (when not shamelessly forked) by the four parts blog post by Tim Roes (see figure 1):
) leveraged with the other examples;#hashtags
and @accounts
in different colors;As there is nothing particularly original compared to other available resources, we won't dive into plugin intricacies. We will only point out some implementation hints that we found either lacking or unclear.
The good part about customizable plugins is that one should be able to... customize them. And preferably in a smooth way. One solution is to:
This easily take a couple of minutes, which can hardly be quoted as "smooth" by the XXIth century JavaScript standard.
The other solutions is to work locally (on the developper laptop):
The 3-4-5 feedback loop is way faster than the first method (even though refreshing the browser can take up to ten seconds.)
Tim Roes and others have explained in great details the nuts and bolts of writing plugins. However, some information was not readily available to go further than the hello world
stage. We propose here a few hints to avoid common traps in the journey of writing production ready plugins.
It seems obvious that components rendering should often adapt to their size.This is even more true with Kibana customizable dashboards. Although this feature is ubiquitous, little has been written.
The common underlying library to build visualization components is the versatile AngularJS. The watcher mechanism allow to regularly watch the widget dimension and redraw when needed. Even though this solution is often proposed, it only partially works. When moving around and resizing a full dashboard, the watcher function can be called too many times simultaneously, leading to exception generations. Beside being a poor programming pattern, the user experience can be impacted.
An more elegant solution is to listen to some resized
event, but little information was available. The solution can from diving into Kibana source code and locate the change:vis
Then, the implementation comes to (if render
is your actual component rendering function):
rootScope.$on('change:vis', render);
Basing plugin code on AgularJS certainly is a maturity choice and one could be attracted by recycling prior knowledge on the framework.
If it can be seen sometimes as an inconvenient, AngularJS is strongly opinionated, splitting an application into functional modules, organized in controllers, factories, services and directives. Above this architecture, its success is certainly correlated to a versatile ecosystem and the easiness, for example, to isolate components and write tests.
Unfortunately, most of the popular examples we found on Kibana plugins do not take advantage of the proposed split of concerns and add too much functionalities (such as rendering) into the controller.
However, nothing seems to intrinsically make a proper AngularJS decoupling impossible. Our conclusions are only based on this experience, where we may have left the battle too early.
Packaging a plugin consists in building a deployable .zip
Although several methods are proposed by various authors, we converged towards the @elastic/plugin-helper
module, allowing npm run build
. Once the zip archive is packaged, it can either be made available on a url (Jenkins published artefacts) or copied to the kibana server.
The plugin deployment itself is achieved by sshing onto the server and executing a /opt/kibana/bin/kibana plugin --install ...
To have more specifics about those command, the easiest way is to head to Jenkins an open the configuration of one of the kibana-plugin-*-deploy
Or "shall we write an independent classic rich web application, backed by a REST API on top of ES?" The short answer is: "yes and no."
The Elasticsearch+Kibana stack certainly deserves its success. And a huge part of it is due to the versatility of Kibana visualization, with default and community plugins already available.
Pushing the dashboard further on seems natural. Then, turning the default exploration tools into an open production front end seems an appealing and inexpensive solution, compared to writing a full rich web client from scratch.
This choice can make sense up to a certain limit. Customization comes to often underestimated costs:
Those costs taken into account, it may often not seem totally unreasonable to head towards an independent front end development, backed by classic stack such as AngularJS, or even better for the topic at hand, ReactJS + flux application.