We had the chance to interview Doug Cutting during the Cloudera Sessions in Paris, October 2014. Doug is the creator behind Hadoop and Cloudera's Chief Architect. Here is our exchange below:
Rationally it feels very good. It’s a technology that’s supposed to do that. Emotionally it’s very satisfying, but also I must say I must be very lucky. I was in the right place at the right time and happened to be the person. Someone else would have done this had I not, by now.
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I think, again, I have the right experience from having put some work in open source. I worked on search engines and I could see the value in the technology, I understood the problem, and that combination. And I think I’ve also been in the software business long enough so that’s why I knew what it’d take to build a project that would be useful, that would be used. And I think no one else was positioned ready enough in the competition with that combination of properties. I’ve been able to take advantage of these papers and implement them as open source, and get them out to people. My guess, I don’t know. It wasn’t my plan.
No, not at all.
It’s a very general architecture. It’s in many ways, much like I said, an operating system. An operating system, I’ve been showing, has storage, has a scheduler, has security mechanisms. Already the challenge is to support all kinds of different applications. So I think that the design it has right now is more or less sufficient to permit a very wide range.
Yeah, not fundamentally. Since the 60’s. Those basic capabilities give you a platform you can develop lots of different applications on that can share the hardware, in a sense. It’s really… Well, a Java OS is sort of “get out of the way” and let applications share the hardware.
And so I think that’s a role that Hadoop is filling more and more.
I know it needs a radical re-architecture to do that. Whether people will implement alternate file systems…That might happen, we’ll see.
We think there are lots of opportunities for more vertical applications in different industries that are very specific. Things that can process images, tools that can process data… There are lots of different areas where there aren’t tools today. Not to mention verticals like insurance and banking and so on. Some people see commercial offerings and some people see open source offerings. I think right now what people are seeing are more the lower-level tools that can be plugged. I think more and more, higher and higher upper stack will see open-source implementations commoditizing the value of the stack. That’s an ongoing process.
Want to know more about Hadoop and the Hadoop ecosystem? Have a look at our Hadoop map (English version)!
Our Hadoop White Paper and Roadmap are also available for free download (French only).